Dublin SEO
Work With The Best SEO Experts in Dublin

Dear Small Business Owners, My name is Fahad & I am the founder of Dublin SEO, an SEO expert in Dublin focussing on scaling your business to the next level with the help of Search Engine Optimization. My team has the best SEO experts in Dublin.

We’re very different to other SEO agencies in Dublin.

Unlike other big agencies where your critical SEO work gets passed to some 20 years old internee, who barely knows how the SEO works, Our SEO Experts at Dublin SEO will personally be working with you to boost your organic Google rankings.

And if this is not enough – You should ask yourself – How did you find us? Chances are you searched for “SEO Expert Dublin” or “Dublin SEO”.

The exact same way, your customers try to find your business on Google. And if they can’t find you on the first page, chances are they will find your competitors and you will lose them forever.

The keywords that we rank for i.e. “Dublin SEO”, or “SEO Expert Dublin” are one of the most difficult keywords to rank for as every SEO agency in Dublin is fighting to get ranked for such keywords.

This is the proof that we are the best SEO agency in Dublin.



About Dublin SEO

Hello & Welcome. My name is Fahad and I am an SEO Expert based in Dublin.

With a Masters degree in Digital Marketing (Dublin Institute of Technology), I am a self taught SEO expert and marketer. 

I started my SEO career in 2016 by starting to rank small to medium websites, I now have the ability to rank websites on Google for almost any keywords. Currently, I am working on my Digital Marketing Agency called Social Gravity.

I mainly focus on helping SMEs get their name out on Google and helping their business reach their customers through organic google results. 

But How It Works?

Basically, we rank your business website for the keywords that your customers search for in Google when looking for your service. 

Let’s say, you have a roofing business in Dublin and your website has no presence on Google. 

To give you an idea, your customers might be searching on Google with the keywords such as “Roofers Dublin”, or “Roofing companies in Dublin”.

The goal of our efforts is to rank you on the first position for these keyword phrases, so whenever your customers find you, you are outranking your competitors and you are always the first point of contact for them. 

According to SmartInsights.com, the first three search results of a google search account for 67.6% of the total search traffic. If your website is ranking anything below this, your business is being hit hard by your competitors.


Ask yourself this question: You landed on our website by typing something like “Dublin SEO”, or “Local SEO Expert Dublin”. Did you open the search results from the second page of Google? You would never do that. You would always click on the first or second search result. 

Now back to our roofers example, If you look at the screenshot below by Semrush, 2400 people type “Roofers Dublin” on Google every month, and there are a lot more variations of these keywords, for example “local roofers”, “local roofers in dublin” and so on.

Let’s say, if we are only able to bring 1000 visitors on our website using our SEO techniques. If everything is done right, we should be able to convert 10% – 15% of them into customers. 

Dublin SEO Expert

But even in the worst case if we are only able to convert 5% of them, how much these 50 new customers could benefit your business? How much revenue do they bring for your business?

This is exactly what we specialize in. We don’t try to bring traffic to your website, we bring customers to your business. Most SEO agencies care about ranking your website and nothing more. What we believe is customers are more important for a business compared to traffic. So we generate reports based on how many new customers we bring for your business every month, rather than how much ranking improvements we got for your website.


How to Get Started

You can begin your SEO journey by filling the discovery form at the top of this page to claim your free 30 minutes consultation

During this call, we will carefully look at your business and your current digital marketing presence and will guide you if SEO can bring additional revenue to your business.

Our team at Dublin SEO look forward to hearing from you.



Fahad Bin Zahid
Founder & Director

P.S. Here is some more information for you if you’re not sure if SEO is suitable for your business.

What is SEO?

SEO, short for Search Engine Optimization, is the process of optimizing a website to make it visible in search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo etc. Sometimes, SEO is referred to as the process of generating organic or free traffic from Google. 

Unlike Pay Per Click campaigns, where you pay for every visit to your website. SEO helps you generate free traffic from organic search results from Google. If you are looking to invest in long term marketing for your business, SEO can be the best deal as the results you get are long term and you don’t lose them once you stop paying for SEO.

Benefits of SEO

There are a number of benefits for hiring an SEO expert. If your business already has a website but you never got any customers from your website, chances are because people can’t find your website. 

Our SEO experts get your website found on Google, and then try to rank it for your desired keywords, so that your customers can easily find your website when they need your product or service.



Getting Started With Your SEO Expert Dublin

If you’d like to know more about our SEO services or how our SEO services can help your business, then simply schedule a call with us. 

We will ask you basic questions about your business, like your target customers, your market, and what kind of products or services you sell. Based on the information you provide us, we will guide you how you can get started.


Dublin SEO Expert

How Long would it take to see results?

The time it takes to see SEO results depends on the following:
  1. Location of your business
  2. What SEO has been done before
  3. What your competitors are doing
To give you an idea, if you already have good online presence and you already rank for certain keywords with moderate competition. It can take 4-5 months to see significant increase in traffic & sales. However, if you’re a new business with a new website, it will take at least 8-10 months to get on the first page on Google. During this time, you will see gradual increase in the traffic and new leads. The campaign becomes effective only when you’re on the first page of Google for a handful of keywords.

What ROI should I expect?

The minimum ROI that you can expect is at least 10x the amount you invest. However, this is a bare minimum. I had a client in the past who grew his company’s revenue by 400% in the first year, with an ROI of 20X. 

Another client who worked with me for 12 months saw an ROI of 25X in the first year. Since they were already ranked for all their desired keywords in 12 months, they decided to stop investing in SEO, the ROI because 55X at the end of second year.

Will you get me to first position on Google?

We will bring you to the best possible position given your market and flood your business with targeted traffic and leads. It’s better to chase new leads rather than rankings. 

Do you require a 12-months contract?

At Dublin SEO, we don’t have a contract culture. However, we always go above and beyond for our clients in the first few months to deliver them results. 

We have an open month-to-month agreement, if at any stage you think you are not getting the results you desire, you can decide not to continue and just let us know. Building long-term relationships is the core part of our values.

Cost to Hire a Dublin SEO Expert?

The cost to hire a dublin SEO expert ….

Do you work with every kind of client?

Getting a digital marketing agency on board is crucial for your business success and is worth each buck. We work with various industries, brands and professionals, giving us the opportunity to learn and create innovative techniques that can help ventures grow exponentially. The digital landscape is quite competent and in order to be ahead of your competitors it is essential to be different. Here is when we swoop in to save businesses.  With a solid strategy in place and the right skills set deployed, your business cannot have a single point of failure.


  •         Helps you devising sure shot strategies to get leads
  •         Provide ways to harness leads and increase website traffic
  •         Increase productivity by using effective tools in each domain
  •         Establish thought leadership in your industry
  •         Increase customer satisfaction and gain loyal customers

·         Reduce operational costs through their expertise

    How is your SEO agency different from other SEO agencies in Dublin?

    Most SEO companies that you will find in the market will plan out how they can rank your website on Google. However, we focus on bringing more revenue to your business. 


    The fact is you only achieve what your target. If you bring traffic to your website and don’t know how to convert those visitors into customers, that traffic is useless for your business. 


    That’s what we specialize in. We first try to bring traffic to your website, and then use best practices in marketing to convert those visitors into leads for your business.

    How much would it cost my business to hire an SEO expert?

    At Dublin SEO, we have clients who pay us €300 every month and we also have clients who pay us €3,000 every month. 

    We look at your business and predict how much revenue we can add to your business. At Dublin SEO, we always give you a positive ROI for every penny that you invest with us. That way, the amount that you spend with us will act like an investment rather than an expense.