Since SEO is a very effective digital marketing effort to get your website set up for the future it can be a costly investment. Many small business owners are hesitant to get started due to how much it can cost and them simply not having the capital to get it started. It may be true that the number one results page holders are investing a lot of money to get their spot, that doesn’t mean you have to spend that much to get started.

Since SEO is a very effective & creative digital marketing approach to get your website and your business set up, it can be a costly investment. Most of the small business owners hesitate to start with SEO because they are scared of the cost and amount of effort it needs in the beginning to get started. No doubt that the big players are putting a lot of money and effort to keep their Google Page 1 spot, that does not mean that you cannot achieve that.

There are 3 very easy to implement and cost effective methods that you can do to get your SEO started on the right foot. Keep reading below to see how you can improve your online presence while on a budget.

1. Start a blog

Blog for SEO, Dublin SEO Services

One of the best tips for SEO is that you need to realize that Content is King. Having said that, you should put quality content on your website and make sure its correctly optimized for Search Engine Optimization. You should take care of the quality of content i.e. taking care of keyword density, and making sure that you are putting informative content on your website, and putting at least 1000 to 1500 words of article.
Blog is a great method to rank for certain keywords that are a bit more niche but they are still relevant to your business. Niche keywords are very easy to rank since there is very less competition for them. If very few people are competing for a certain keyword, it will be relatively easy to rank on Google’s page 1 for that keyword.

2. Website optimization For Technical SEO

Onpage SEO, SEO Services Dublin

A website is a very important aspect for Search Engine Optimization for any business. It gives the very first impression to the user about your brand or your website when they open your website. Therefore, it is very important that you have a clean website and it runs smoothly. That includes having faster loading web pages so that everything loads fast when a visitor is going through your webpages. According to Google, Page Speed Insights are an important factor to determine ranking of your webpage. You can use Google’s Page Speed Insights tool to check where your website stands at the moment.

Furthermore, you need to make sure that your website is mobile optimized as well. According to Google, your website will not rank in mobile SERPs if your website is mobile optimized. Responsinator is a great tool to check how your website looks on different screen sizes. You need to make sure your website looks good on all tablets and mobile devices. This will enhance overall user experience and will reduce the bounce rate for the visitors. This is a cost effective and quick way to boost your rankings over your competitors.

3. Create social media pages

Social Media SEO Dublin Ireland

One of the great and cost effective way of drawing attention to your website is to create social media pages for your website according all channels e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram etc. When people share your content on social media pages, it indicates Google that your website is trustworthy and your content is valuable. Social media channels allow you an in into the sharing nature as these platforms promote that. This also comes down to the content’s quality. Your audience will only share your content if it is valuable and high quality.

It is also important to note that when you start ranking your social media pages they take up slots on the results page. These are positions that your competitors are missing out on!

Still not sure where to start? You may contact us and we will analyze your business and will come up with an effective strategy to boost your Google rankings.